Democracy– category –
Trying to get to heaven before they close the door: Trump ’24 comeback
LISTEN TO THE ARTICLE There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for... -
Berlusconi’s/Trump’s crimes and misdemeanours: who is the boss? 11 overwhelming questions
Looking forward to the American elections, part 1. The subtitle of my book about Berlusconi’s Italy reads The all-Italian story of the man who gave us Trump. In the book I write that “Trump may be more powerful, and more dangerous, than ... -
A love letter to the British Leavers and Tories after the 2019 elections
Dear British Leavers and Tories, I humbly remind you that the English Empire collapsed one century ago and so your attitude of superiority which fuels Brexit is quite pathetic today: I remember that the day of the opening of the Chunnel ... -
Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley (1958): Trump, Berlusconi and Brexit were already scaringly there
The essay Brave New World Revisited is an astonishing prediction of the XXI century's shrinking democracy in the West. Here is an annotated long extract I edited as part of my research work for Silvio Berlusconi's Italy. In times of... -
Clean Hands’ 25th anniversary: and they lived corruptly ever after
1992 is modern Italy’s D-year. It is the time of the death of the decadent First Republic and the birth of the more degenerate Second one, which is probably about to end these days. It is the year of Mani Pulite (Clean Hands, or Tangento... -
Who killed Giulio Regeni?
Of Arab Springs turned dictatorships, state tortures and murders, commercial bonds over human life: one year after, we don’t have to live and let Giulio die. Shocked, outraged, bewildered, overwhelmed: that’s how I feel today, on the six... -
Well-fed young television-watchers or freedom fighters? Of juvenile rebelliousness and social commitment
Since my book on Italian society in the last ventennio is also a warning against the contemporary erosion of democracy in the Western World - as I have said time and again, the Italy of the so-called Berlusconi Age is a privileged observ... -
Migrants’ Holocaust, the modern Middle Passage: do we really care ?
Migrants’ Holocaust: the second anniversary of the greatest migrants’ tragedy of the XXI century On October 3, 2015 the tiny island of Lampedusa, South of Sicily, celebrated the second anniversary of the greatest migrants’... -
Genoa G8 summit in 2001: the days Berlusconi’s Italy went back to fascism
The police street violence at the Genoa G8 summit against the peaceful protesters and the raid at their headquarters - the Diaz school - in July 2001 is one of those episodes a country must be deeply ashamed of It was the Berlusconi gov... -
Edward Snowden, Roberto Saviano and George Orwell: dangerous truths
The documentary film Citizenfour on whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations on the NSA surveillance programme was screened at the Biografestival in Bologna.In 2013 Edward Snowden’s Datagate revealed the greatest American plot to depri...