Film reviews in English– category –
Review collection 2024-2025
Here is a determinedly old-fashioned drama, verbose and elaborate but also forthright and watchable in its way. It is a Stoppardian what-if meeting, imagining a bruising encounter between two celebrated historical figures who could, theo... -
Best line of the year 2023 (from the classic noir ‘The Big Steal’)
R. Mitchum, to the femme fatale while framing the villain: When your teeth stop chattering, you get Ortega on the phone ... R. Mitchum, alla protagonista femminile mentre tiene sotto tiro il cattivo: Quando i denti finiranno di... -
Autumn 2023 movie survey: Oppenheimer; Anatomy of a Fall; Napoleon; La Syndacaliste; Coup De Chance
Notes on this Fall's picks Very interesting biopic of a lesser-known character, more famous for his 'deadly toy' than his biography, which is instead full of strange facts. Who would say that the father of the atomic bomb was a communist... -
Michael Mann’s Ferrari doesn’t pick up much speed – review
Walking into Largo Garibaldi, where Enzo Ferrari lived, piazza Grande and piazza Roma in the summer of 2022 had been pure de ja vu for me. I had found myself in the Modena of my childhood, the old-fashioned traffic lights, buses, billboa...