Film reviews in English
Review collection 2024-25
I approached the movie with a certain scepticism because I am always very disappointed by biopics in general and, in this particular case, by having seen James Mangold’s previous one, Walk The Line, dedicated to Johnny Cash. Besides, 1961 – 65 is Dylan’s Golden Age: his output in that period changed my life forever … -
Best line of the year 2023 (from the classic noir ‘The Big Steal’)
R. Mitchum, to the femme fatale while framing the villain: When your teeth stop chattering, you get Ortega on the phone … R. Mitchum, alla protagonista femminile mentre tiene sotto tiro il cattivo: Quando i denti finiranno di batterti, chiama l’ispettore Ortega al telefono … -
Autumn 2023 movie survey: Oppenheimer; Anatomy of a Fall; Napoleon; La Syndacaliste; Coup De Chance
Notes on this Fall’s picks Very interesting biopic of a lesser-known character, more famous for his ‘deadly toy’ than his biography, which is instead full of strange facts. Who would say that the father of the atomic bomb was a communist sympathizer who would fall from governmental grace after helping his country wi…
Articoli, saggi, post
Trying to get to heaven before they close the door: Trump ’24 comeback
LISTEN TO THE ARTICLE There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away f… -
Berlusconi’s/Trump’s crimes and misdemeanours: who is the boss? 11 overwhelming questions
Looking forward to the American elections, part 1. The subtitle of my book about Berlusconi’s Italy reads The all-Italian story of the man who gave us Trump. In the book I write that “Trump may be more powerful, and more dangerous, than Berlusconi because he was the most dominant man in the world during his 2016-202… -
EURO 2024 Azzurri’s Fiasco
Italian football: mirror of a society where no one pays Italian football is the mirror of our society: it means organized crime connections, both at top management level or at mafia and camorra rank; it means corruption, in match fixing, slush funds creation and drug use; it means another weapon of mass consent in t…
Libri, musica: recensioni
Total Chaos (Marseilles Trilogy, #1)by Jean-Claude Izzo
Listen to the review: A shocking wonderful surprise. A pitch-black noir, darker than the classic ones, in the Mediterranean sunshine Total Chaos by Jean-Claude Izzo My rating: 5 of 5 stars A shocking wonderful surprise. This novel is a pitch-black noir, darker than the classic ones, in the Mediterranean sunshine. Th… -
Dylan 80
Homage to Bob Dylan – the man in me. Omaggio a Bob Dylan – l’uomo in me. I don’t know how it happened, we were just kids, late teenagers attending high school, running wild in the early seventies still roaring with the rebelliousness and the political fights of the previous decade. As for the Folk Revival in the US,… -
La Pantomima di Stato: un racconto
Un piccolo regalo a chi ha appena finito gli esami di Stato: un racconto ambientato durante la ‘maturità’, tratto dalla mia collection di short-stories Questa scuola non è una azienda! – i racconti del prof. Bingo (ed. Pendragon, Bologna, 2006) la-pantomima-di-statoDownload