film review– tag –
Joaquin Phoenix and John C Reilly offer plenty of odd-couple chemistry in this enjoyably off-beat and heartfelt western. (Time Out.) From acclaimed director Jacques Audiard and based on the novel by Patrick deWitt, THE SISTERS ... -
We’re presented with a familiar set-up: aliens have invaded Earth leading to destruction, division and plenty of dust. But unlike the majority of similar films that have come before, we’re then presented with an idea of what comes after.... -
Birds of Passage
Birds of Passage (titolo originale). Alla fine degli anni Sessanta in Colombia nella regione settentrionale abitata dagli indiani Wayuu, che ancora vivono di pastorizia e coltivazione della terra, l’ambizioso Rapayet sposa la giovan... -
Realizzato a partire da immagini d'archivio e da testimonianze, Santiago, Italia racconta i mesi che seguirono il golpe del dittatore che mise fine al sogno democratico di Salvador Allende. Il film mette l'accento sul ruolo enc... -
For his first French film in nearly a decade (he'd spent the war years in Hollywood), filmmaker Julien Duvivier chose to adapt Les Fiançailles de Monsieur Hire, a novel by Georges Simenon. Panique, as Duvivier's version was titled, is a ... -
JOKER: pretty villain with a tender heart
Even if the story is well-known - the good-hearted loser revenging the cruelty of a merciless society - J. Phoenix performance gives the character a decaying romantic touch that makes the movie: Reduced to a skeletal state ... ...